Graphic Design
"Graphic Design" Is the foundation and key to every great brand or business."
Web Design
"Web Design"Is your homes culture that creates your brand or business market equity.
Web Development
"Web Development" Is the process of building a stable and happy brand or business home.
Brand Consulting
"Brand Consulting" Is the brand or business cleaning crew you always wish you had."
"Social Media Marketing" Is the the fishing pole that you use to catch your next client or deal."
"Printing"Is and will always be the mailbox where you send & receive your brand or business messages."
Ready To Shop Our Basics?
what do you need?
12 HRS OR LESS - $50.00 PER ITEM
8 HRS OR LESS - $100.00 Per Item
Graphic Design Services
Business Card Design $75
IG Flyer Design $75
Poster Design $100
Print Flyer Design $105
Banner Design$100
Logo Design $500 + Registration

Web Design & Development
1 Page Website $500
3 Page Website $750
Web Graphic Design $75 P/HR (4 HR MIN)
Domian Support$75 P/HR (4 HR MIN)
Hosting Support $75 P/HR (4 HR MIN)
Coding $125 P/HR (4 HR MIN)
Web Maintenance $75 P/HR (4 HR MIN) or $650 P/MTH
Ready To Explore Our Packages?
Choose an Art Direction Plan
A designer knows she has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away!
Beginner Pack
$500$250/ MO
One Month of Art Direction
4 - iG Flyer Designs
30 Custom Hashtags
4 - IG Story Designs
Corporate Needs
$750$500/ MO
One Month of Art Direction
6 - IF Flyer Designs
90 Custom Hashtags
8 - IG Story Designs
2 - Facebook Cover Designs
1 Month of Social Automaion
Executive Level
$1000$750/ MO
One Month of Creative Direction
8 - IG Flyer Designs
120 Custom Hastags
12 - IG Story Designs
2 Facebook Covers
2 - Logo Designs
1 - Promo Card Design
4 - 120 Word Content
1 Month Social Automation